Kans for Kids

Kathlene Denhard 

  1. In 2011, Kathlene saw a need for food and clothing in a small public school in Indianapolis, IN. After speaking with the school social worker, we learned that many of the students often came to school having only eaten lunch the day before. Students were about to begin their Christmas break, which is their longest break of the year. It was hard for us to fathom how many students would go home having no idea when their next meal would be. This is how Kans for Kids was born. 
  2. In 2014 we received our 501-c3 non-profit status, as a result we are able to commit to more schools allowing us to help end this battle against hunger! 
  3. In 2016 we were recognized by nFocus Magazine as a New Face in Philanthropy
  4. 2016 was a big year for our foundation as we launched our first, and now annual "FriendsGiving" with the local Homeless Youth Shelter in Downtown Louisville! 
  5. In 2018 we received the WLKY Bell Award for our work within our Community! 
  6. In 2019 we reached a milestone of feeding more than 250,000 people in our short 8 years of existence! 

Our founder

Foundation History

Making Hunger History

The idea of Kans for Kids began as an idea on the back of a file folder. I had no idea what kind of potential it had until I took a giant leap of faith and realized the worst thing that could happen is someone tell me "no", and that hasn't stopped us yet! 

mission & vision

No need is too small and no voice is too quiet to be heard. Our goal is to make hunger history, one basket at a time!


More than 100 people volunteer with us each year to help make a difference in the lives of thousands. Find out how to become our partner.

recent programs

Christmas Baskets - December 2017, 2018

Food Pantry Re-Stock - October 2017, 2018